Wednesday, October 10, 2007

Silly Update

Just a little silly update, we have:

8 more Fridays for date nights
8 more Saturdays to sleep in
8 more Sundays to go to church

Because, in 57 days Noah is supposed to come into our lives and change it forever.


E and K said...

Wow, that makes it sound so close!!!

Talitha said...

Wait... you are never going to church again in 8 more Sundays?? You heathen! ;)

My silly little update: 6 more days until I come home!!!

Oh my word, Crystal! I was working in my clinicals on Tuesday and met a little 4 year old boy named Noah and it made me think of you guys! I'll have to tell you more about it later!

Love you! I can't wait to talk to you and sing to you again Noah!

elj377 said...

Well, 8 more Fridays for date nights when you don't need a sitter!

8 more Saturdays before you are kicking each other out of bed saying "YOUR TURN"

8 more Sundays to go to church without having the infant stress in the morning...they always have a blow out or spit up or are extra fussy.:)

Loved your silly update!
Congrats on being under 60 days

thensch said...

Wow. That's absolutely crazy. Hannah told me about your freak out moment realizing all of certainly puts a different perspective on it all, doesn't it??