Saturday, February 17, 2007

Our Niece and Sunglasses!

So I am entitled to boast about my gorgeous niece every once in a while......

Talitha, I had to show this to you. This is her first experience with sunglasses (i think)

Mom and I had her laughing so hard a day or so ago! It was hysterical!




She is so our niece!!!!!!!!!

That's all... I just love her to pieces, and wanted you all to see how beautiful she is!!!!

Ta ta for now.

Thursday, February 15, 2007



So...I know you all have been wondering...

Jordan's employer is a non for profit company. Since this is the case, they rely heavily on donations, and they weren't coming in...he and his coworker were let go from their positions. We are looking now for God's will for us.

God has a wonderful way of making all questions clear. This to say that God has presented us with a couple of different options. We are prayerful considering all of our avenues. Please be praying for us that God shows us His perfect path for us.

In another light, we are loving being youth leaders! We are having so much fun each Wednesday and Sunday! God has really brought us to a great leadership position here.

We went this weekend to Florida!!!! Yeah for Disney!!!!!! Such a fun filled time with so much to do...I need a vacation from my vacation! My sister Samantha and my friend Hannah came with us. We rented a three bedroom condo, and it was great! I have found that I like princesses! I wanna grow up to be just like Cinderella, 'cause.... man....HAVE YOU SEEN HER HOUSE! Whew! She has it made. Disney does her good. Oh, yeah, and I strapped my body again into an elevator fully well knowing that it was going to fall...A LOT. Silly me. I am still waiting for the shock to wear off. But all in all...good times, fun people, great place!

Nothing else really to report. I am terribly sorry for never posting, and I know I always harped on Moriah for not posting fast enough.... but such is life. I have so much work to do now that I totally forget by the time I get home. I am trying though.

Oh, know.

One day, I will take pictures to actually post. One day... Maybe tonight if I can find the "oh so funny camera cord that likes to hide and run away."

Saturday, February 3, 2007

So we have pictures...I hope

This is me and Hubby!!!!!!