Thursday, August 21, 2008

New things

Noah started to crawl yesterday!!! He was so awesome and showed it off at Oasis last night and wowed the onlookers. He went from a little movement to full on crawling in a matter of hours once he learned what was happening.

So here is what I have found out:

1. Crawling babies are fast. Not speedy fast, but fast like a magician. Poof he's gone.........into something he isn't supposed to touch. I turn around, still speaking to him, and I find I am talking to myself and He is off eating every last cheerio I missed on the carpet.

2. I say "NO" a lot.

3. He stops when I say "no" so at least he is obedient....or the smack on the hand works for anything I say "no" to. It's amazing that he understands me when I say, "Noah, no touch or I am gonna have to smack your hand." When I say that he smiles and simply turns and does something else as if to say, "Okay mommy." Such a blessing.

4. Everything is now "dadadadadadadadada"

5. When he does test boundaries it's a long test. He'll touch the blinds, "noah no touch". Then he'll look at me and sllloooowwwlllyy place his hand on the window sill and wait for me to do something. He's gonnna be our tester.

6. He has found just about every power outlet in our home and likes freak me out. I have them covered but still... no mother likes to see her child infatuated with electrical outlets.

7. He loves his father more than me cause his name really is "Ddadadadadada" and "Dada" is the fun and rough parent. Or it's cause he's a guy. But I swear when Jordan comes home Noah always has the biggest grin to give him!

8. He stands up on his own.......and then falls on his own too. Then blames it on me and tells on me to "Dadada"

9. I am now his favorite jungle gym. I have the bruises to prove it.

10. God could not be any better to us. Even though these things are happening I love every second of it. I know that it's only a matter of time before "dada" turns into, "Yo, can I borrow the car?" so I am trying as hard as I can to enjoy every second of this time I have with my baby while he's still a baby.

The more he grows the more I sit back and wonder in amazement that God made him from little peices of me and Jordan. We created life togheter and he is a funtioning work of art. It's so hard to explain this weird feeling but the words, "Bone of my bone and flesh of my flesh" now mean so much more to me than ever before. Adam's wonderment at Eve must have been catastrophic.

On another note, I am going to start a discipleship group with some young girls at our youth, so please pray for wisdom as I begin this journey. I just hope I do a good job of leading thier minds and hearts to Christ. And it's time away from my family but I hope it works out.

Here's our little man doing his crawl....

Monday, August 11, 2008

Florida, new home and a funny video

So we made it!!!!! We made it through the great/stressful two weeks of going to Florida with the family and then moving into our house the moment we returned. Thankfully we had Isaac with us on the way down and back to help with the driving of 15+ hours. Noah was amazing and he slept all night on the drive and only complained maybe five whole minutes round trip.

We had a great time playing in the ocean and eating sea food! I ate the sea food, Noah watched with mild enthusiasm. I have to say though vacations with small babies are much more difficult than I thought it'd be.

We are finally all unpacked and all set to have visitors at our new place as well. We live in the same apartment that Matt and Emily Knudsen just moved out of. We were lucky to get this apartment! It's been amazing! God certainly blew away my expectations.

Noah started to crawl this week and he has two whole teeth. Unfortunately he hates when I try and see his teeth and won't perform well for the camera to prove this is true, so you'll have to take my word for it.

Without much more to add to this post I'll leave you with pictures and one heck of a funny video.

Fun with Dada and the waves...

Noah and Auntie T

And Noah getting ticked off from the stupid hat I made him wear and his father mocking him mercilessly.

And the bext video ever taped of Charis and Noah....seriously ever...