Thursday, June 19, 2008

More about Summer Camp

Okay, so wednesday we went to Oasis and watched the summer camp video and it really made me relive and capture more thoughts about the week. I just have to praise God for letting me be a part of that truely amazing time. I got to watch as God opened my small group girl's hearts and minds to his glory and I had a front row seat to the amazingness that is worship, complete and utter worship. I have to say God made me delight in him even more through this experience.

And, as far as being a leader, I am so glad I was able to do this. It has made me even more bold for God and I feel like I have a holy fury for God. I am changed for the better to be a bolder Christian through this experience. I have realized it is far more important to be myself and love God than to try and be everyone's friend. I think I came away with a much better respect for our God's name and grace than before and having such is allowing me to see sin for what is really is, ugly. I have had to cut things out of my life since then and can't be happier. I am happy knowing God is being glorified. Having a proper perspective on God is more valueable than I could have imagined, as Perry would say, "He is not our Homeboy!"

On another note, Noah has also learned to finger walk. Meaning he can walk while I hold his fingers!!!! It was so awesome to see that click in his head as he took his first few steps (with help)! I'll get video soon as I get new batteries for my camera.

The Lord is so good to us and we signed on our new place. So, now I am daydreaming about how it will be to watch Noah take his first real steps in the new place, especailly since that is where Gabrie and Addy took theirs! Such a great place to live, Thank you so much Em for suggesting your apartment!!!!!!!! It's going to be wonderful!

Praise for all this be to God because it all would not be possible without him. Even the air I breathe. Such a cliche but totally accurate.

Tuesday, June 17, 2008

Summer Camp and Moving

Hello everyone. We're back from summer camp and although I had a blast, I am so glad to be home. I get to sleep in my bed, eat when I want to, and SLEEP! Noah went wih us and he was the talk of the camp. By the end of the week he had Emily Chaly's heart and thought himself to be in a relationship with each one of the Clare girls. Such a stud muffin.

God was faithful over this trip and I am totaly excited to be in youth group with the new girls coming in from 6th grade. Holla out to my chicas! (I know, totally dorky of me to say)

We are home now and looking forward to signing our lease on the new apartment today. We will have the apartment on August 1st. Which means we have to put our things in storage until we get back from Florida with the Ferrell/Huff clan. Please pray that we have a safe trip and everything goes smoothly with the move.

Last but not least, here are some cute videos and pics of our 6 month old little man. A whole half a year old. Time flys when you've got a midget that poops three times a day!

Funny face

So big! 6 months is a blast, I think I'd be okay if he wanted to freeze at this age for a while. He just had his check up and he grew 6 inched in two months! Alas he is only 19 pounds though, so he's following his daddy in the tall and thin catagory. But look at those cheeks, aren't they to die for?