Friday, March 30, 2007

So, Now.....

Now that the shock has worn off....Here's the scoop:

Yes! It's True! We're pregnant! Our due date is December 6, 2007. We are soooooo excited and blessed! We completely feel God's hand in our live right now! Praise God from whom all blessing flow!

We call the little munchkin "Noly" right now. (Jordan is thoroughly convinced that it's a boy.) We are completely delighted in this new joy, and the only thing that makes it better is all of you who are also sharing in our happiness.

Thank you all for your love and support. Our ultrasound should be in the next few weeks, so we'll post the "First picture" then.

Okay, I'll leave you with pictures of Mom Ferrell's birthday, and my cute little brother, Wyatt (he lost his two front teeth!)


This is Wyatt! Notice the lack of teeth....

The kids performing skits for Mom!


And again.....pensive.... as if to say, "Get that camera out of my face, you are interrupting my quite time....seriously Aunty Crystal...I will hurt you."

Gifts! We love gifts!

Wednesday, March 28, 2007

So this week...., this happened............yep!

Friday, March 23, 2007

The Search Continues...

Jordan is still searching for a job. There is nothing new to report. We have realized how blessed we were to have the Outside Da Box job right after we got married. The field that Jordan specializes in is very competitive, and with out extensive experience, it’s hard to find a steady job. And by extensive, I mean 10 + years of experience.

But God is still providing money making opportunities. He hasn’t failed us yet, and we continue to look to him for answers and strength.

Please be in prayer for our situation as it’s still difficult.

Other than that, we are just taking life day by day, loving being married! I could never fully understand this happiness until I got married. Jordan is such a wonderful person. He truly makes my life more beautiful.

Someday I’ll get more pictures up again for all to see. But as of right now……you’ll have to suffice without…

Philippians 4:13 “I can do everything through Christ who gives me strength.”

Love to All,


Monday, March 12, 2007

Life and so on...

So yeah.

We went to Florida this last week with the Ferrell/Huff clan. We had a blast on the beach and soaking in the sun. Remarkably, this trip afforded no rainy days, and mostly warm sunshine.

Jordan got horrible blood blisters from playing basketball barefoot, and we slept in a lot! I loved it! I learned how to play tennis, and can safely say I will take anyone on (I might not win by a long shot though).

T is turning 21 um in like......2 hours!!!!!!!!!! Yeah T!!!!!!!! So we were able to celebrate her and Dad Ferrell's Birthdays while we were there. I love you all, and will leave you with fun pictures.

So this is T, Jill, Mo, and I with our feet in really cold water!

My Gorgeous Husband and my cute niece!

My niece in her Fab swimsuit!!!!!!!! So adorable!!

'Nuff Said.....

Me and My TT! I love you honey....Happy 21st!!!!!!!!!!!!!!