Monday, October 29, 2007

Another Silly Update....

19 days left of work (in the traditional sense of the word)

39 Days until Noah is due (I must have passed the 50 day mark when I wasn’t looking)

7 More Paychecks

5 more Saturdays to (hopefully) sleep in

1 last Aunty Talitha visit

By the by….where is Aunty Talitha lately? Clinicals and a boyfriend sure do take all her time….I haven’t heard from her on this blog since she started both....

Hmmmm is it more the clinicals or the boyfriend...I'm taking a pole.


graceling said...

Speaking as someone who has experienced both the clinicals and the boyfriend... I would have to vote for the boyfriend:)

E and K said...

Another vote for da boy.

Unknown said...

Clinicals....definitely clinicals.

All Because a Boy Met a Girl said...

shhh Dp! Your pole doesn't are the pole!

Unknown said...

Wait T has an actual boyfriend, I thought it was just an elaborate scheme to trick DP into a relationship and then crush his spirit.... And I say DP got sick and therefore became part of T's clinicals, so two became one.... Wow I'm hilarious.

Talitha said...

OH MY WORD!! You crack me up Crys... let me clear the air. Clinicals take all my time Sundays-Tuesday and DP gets (note the use of "gets" not "takes" because "takes" has a bad connotation) Wednesday-Saturday... when I'm not working and having 3 exams in one week!! And I like him so what's the problem there!? ;) I always make time for phone calls!!

Love you! 1 more visit! And if he is a good boy, Noah will come out during that visit!!!!

P.S. There will be no spirit crushing, Isaac... just because you are jealous of me... ;)

All Because a Boy Met a Girl said...

Oh, are too much. But I like that about you. Don't ever change.

And I am kind of tickled whenever you comment on this blog. It's nice to have a brother that actaully likes to talk to me. My other brothers couldn't care less, but they're 6 so it's okay.

Anonymous said...

Why does everyone shun the usage of the name "TP" for crying out loud!

graceling said...

Okay, why am I the last to know EVERYTHING?????

T, I know you are not technically my little sister, but I FEEL like you are my little sister.

And as such, I should know things.

Like... um, oh, I don't know... THAT YOU ARE DATING!?!?!? SOMEONE???

(end rant)

Talitha said...

I feel, oh so loved! Crys... you are amazering!

And yes Grace, I am dating... and yes it is a person! No animal dating for me! He is amazing and actually, he commented on this blog. And tomorrow marks our one month... I'm a nerd... I know, but I like it!! ;)

P.S. Crys! I get to see you in 20 days!!!!!!!

Talitha said...

And as for the usage of "TP"....... um..... no. I don't like it! And I don't like being associated with toilet paper or vandalism! I have other such nicknames which will not be discussed on this blog!!

thensch said...

Boyfriend. Definitely. :) But who says that's a bad thing??