Friday, September 28, 2007

Uh Oh...

So I went to the doctor’s today. I had a strange thing happen the past couple of days. It is a sensation that my heart is skipping beats and I get short of breath. I contributed this to Noah getting too big and putting pressure on my lungs and heart.

So when I brought this up to the doctor today I found out that is not the case. She asked how long it had been going on for, and I told her I have always had this sensation my whole life every once in a while, but last night it lasted for an hour and a half. I had a hard time catching my breath and my heart kept skipping beats. I was complaining that “Noah was in my lungs”.

She looked at me astonished and said, “Next time this happens you NEED to call us. And we’ll get you into the hospital”

I didn’t realize it was a big thing until she mentioned “go to the hospital” “blood pressure” in the same sentence. I instantly thought of our pastor’s wife, Lorie. She was induced to give birth to her son because her blood pressure was too high at eight months, and her son weighed five pounds. I am Eight months! Holy cow! This could be me!

Now I am scared. So I have a doctor’s appointment with the “high risk” doctor Monday to see what is causing the heart palpitations. As far as I know, it’s a weird fluke thing and nothing is going to come of it.

She also said a normal heart palpitations occur when the blood pressure changes and the heart rate increases to accommodate. But is should only last a few minutes. Not an hour and a half.

But on the bright side, Noah is now in the head down position and growing quite nicely, and I only gained a pound from my last visit, which is comforting to me since I have already gained now a total of 33.

So I’ll let you all know what happens come Monday. Or you’ll all know sooner if I get this thing to happen again.

P.S. I have a cute husband. He “operated” on my toe last night. I can’t see or reach it very well, so when I started having discomfort, he stepped in and helped me out. Apparently from then “Wow!” exclamation I heard, it was a big sliver of nail embedding itself in my toe. He’s my hero! He saved me toe from hurting anymore = )


graceling said...

First, yes, it is important that you see the docs, but keep in mind that what happened to someone else is not always what is happening to you. The fact that you've had this sensation at times during your whole life could be a sign that it is something else. So stay calm- being excited isn't going to help your blood pressure.

Second, many other things could be causing you to feel short of breath and palpatations. Many. Many. And if your blood pressure has been normal at all of your doctor visits, it is unlikely that your blood pressure is getting so high that you would need to be induced. Pre-eclampsia (high blood pressure related to pregnancy). Look it up.

Third, keep in mind that you may have a low weight baby even though you and Jordan are not "small' people. Weight can be a sign of how "well" your baby will do, but more importantly gestational age matters. Abigail was only 6.5lbs when she was born at 37 weeks (babies gain most of their weight in the last 3 weeks of pregnancy, and are actually usually very skinny before then.) They will catch up. The most important thing is making sure their body is developmentally ready to maintain their life outside of mom's tummy. And at 32 weeks gestation, Noah would be good. Most kids born at 32 weeks gestation, depending on size and how quickly they show evidence of gaining weight, can go home pretty darn quickly.

All this to say, please stay calm. God is in control of all of this. And God has given us some pretty wonderful things in the world of medicine! I'm praying for you and feel free to call if you need to talk!

E and K said...

Oh, I hope you and Noah are okay, and stay okay!
P.S. You are REALLY REALLY REALLY bad at calling back when you say you will.

JK x2 said...

Hmmm, the not so fun parts of life. I will pray for you both when I think of you. Just make sure to stay calm and give any fears to the Lord; it'll be much better for both of you! Get your peace and strength from Him. (And husbands are SO good during these times, aren't they?!)

thensch said...

Aww, how sweet, he fixed your toe!! I can't imagine how much of a pain it must be not being able to do simple things like that...I'm sorry! :( I love you and Noah and will be praying for you both in the light of uncertain circumstances...

All Because a Boy Met a Girl said...

Oh! You all are so great! I am really okay. The doctor didn't seem too concerned but thought to have me talk with the high risk doctor anyway. So...if anything, Noah gets to come home early. I am nto worried. I didn't mean to come off that way. I can still feel him kicking around and happy as a clam. Thanks for your prayers regarless. Noah is sure loved!

Josh Huff said...

I think, just in case, you should avoid all the things that might bring on the labor. You know, eating spicy food, walking, sex, watching scary movies. Just sit at home and watch TLC and you'll be fine. And no, I'm not a doctor, but I did stay at a Holiday Inn Express last night.