Friday, September 28, 2007

Uh Oh...

So I went to the doctor’s today. I had a strange thing happen the past couple of days. It is a sensation that my heart is skipping beats and I get short of breath. I contributed this to Noah getting too big and putting pressure on my lungs and heart.

So when I brought this up to the doctor today I found out that is not the case. She asked how long it had been going on for, and I told her I have always had this sensation my whole life every once in a while, but last night it lasted for an hour and a half. I had a hard time catching my breath and my heart kept skipping beats. I was complaining that “Noah was in my lungs”.

She looked at me astonished and said, “Next time this happens you NEED to call us. And we’ll get you into the hospital”

I didn’t realize it was a big thing until she mentioned “go to the hospital” “blood pressure” in the same sentence. I instantly thought of our pastor’s wife, Lorie. She was induced to give birth to her son because her blood pressure was too high at eight months, and her son weighed five pounds. I am Eight months! Holy cow! This could be me!

Now I am scared. So I have a doctor’s appointment with the “high risk” doctor Monday to see what is causing the heart palpitations. As far as I know, it’s a weird fluke thing and nothing is going to come of it.

She also said a normal heart palpitations occur when the blood pressure changes and the heart rate increases to accommodate. But is should only last a few minutes. Not an hour and a half.

But on the bright side, Noah is now in the head down position and growing quite nicely, and I only gained a pound from my last visit, which is comforting to me since I have already gained now a total of 33.

So I’ll let you all know what happens come Monday. Or you’ll all know sooner if I get this thing to happen again.

P.S. I have a cute husband. He “operated” on my toe last night. I can’t see or reach it very well, so when I started having discomfort, he stepped in and helped me out. Apparently from then “Wow!” exclamation I heard, it was a big sliver of nail embedding itself in my toe. He’s my hero! He saved me toe from hurting anymore = )

Wednesday, September 19, 2007

Things Mom Forgot to Tell Me!

Two things that mothers forgot to tell me would happen.

#1 Braxton Hicks contractions
Wwoooooohhhhahhh. No one said they’d be like this! I get a funny feeling in my stomach that makes me feel like I am on a roller coaster falling down, then my abdomen gets all hard and it’s very uncomfortable. And it ends up with me inevitably having to rush to the bathroom and pee. Then Noah gets all freaked out and starts pounding his fists. It is getting more and more uncomfortable each time it happens.

Now, my mom told me these would happen, but she did not specify the severity of these little “fake” contractions. I can understand now how women might think they are in labor. I am only seven months along and I get it. I have to watch myself I guess that I am not crying wolf every time I get one when it gets closer to the time. I don’t want to be one of those women that runs to the hospital every time I get one, but seriously, three in a half hour yesterday! Granted, I am supposed to call the doctor if I exceed more than four in an hour, but…man! Wahoo! These are getting serious.

#2 Ligament Stretching
That’s the nice way of putting it. No, it’s more like, “Mama, I hate your pelvis so I am going to stretch it out to the point where you need to sit on an ice pack all day long.” Every day I wake up with the most painful ache in my groin area. I feel like there is a midget running around my house in the middle of the night kicking me in the junk. He is not a happy midget…he is an angry spiteful mean midget with a serious agenda to inflict the most amount of pain in my groin area possible. There are days when I don’t want to get out of my bed.

The only thing I can say is that its better to happen now then at the time of labor. I’d rather stretch it out gradually than while in that already very painful time.

Anyway….all this to say, I still love being pregnant. Jordan and I got to feel a little arm or leg yesterday. Noah was positioned in such a way that we could definitely make out a limb. It is so amazing being able to “hold” our child before he’s even here. Jordan was even amazed. It’s not just a bump, but an actual leg or arm….

Friday, September 14, 2007

3rd Trimester and a Rainbow of things...

We have about 11 weeks to go…..THAT’S IT!!!!

I have to say a few things being a mother now. It is amazing how much God grows your heart during a time like this. Jordan and I share stories of how we think we want play with Noah and cuddle with Noah. It just warms my heart to hear Jordan say he’s going to hog the baby and watch the “game with my boy”.

I could have not imagined how this could happen, but God grew my heart to love Jordan even more through this experience. If my love for Jordan were an array of bright colors, fatherhood with Jordan added a whole new set of colors. I get a whole new side of Jordan to respect and love him for. I can already see it.

I look at Jordan now and think how great of a father he is going to be. I am so lucky to have a great man in our child’s life that is far exceeding my expectations. He will be a better father than I will be a mother. I am convinced he will be the mediator between me and my son. When I simply can’t handle it anymore I know Jordan will step in and handle the situation. And every fear I have, Jordan has a strong arm to hold me up and encourage me in it.

God perfectly matched us together in every way possible. I have a great husband. He is kind and thoughtful and sweet.

I just wanted a brag moment here to say how much Noah has helped me to love my husband more and how great my husband is. God wonderfully and fearfully created the single greatest man in the world, just for me.

Noah has no idea yet, but he has the best dad ever.

Check Ups...

Poked, prodded, and branded. That’s how I felt leaving the doctor’s office yesterday. I am now ending my 28th week of pregnancy and that meant a glucose screening, Thyroid check, and RH blood shot. Bottom line, all I can say is that I have two areas of injections and they both hurt. So was my ego.

Here’s the funny story:

So I am sitting in the doctor’s office. I was given a bottle of orange sugar liquid to drink in under five minutes. I drank it like a pro! (or like a very hungry pregnant lady willing to eat anything by that time in the morning). Then they sent me out to the waiting area to fill up on the “Parenting” magazines and “People”. I got my dose of gossip for the day. I waited there for an hour then got called back into the office for a blood draw. I sat there and talked small talk with a very cheerful lady, too cheerful to be poking people all day. She took my blood, like a gallon of it and then took out the needle and started to wrap me up, only to find another note on my file about drawing blood for a second time, this time for more glucose and thyroid junk. Woot. Two needles, one hour, great.

Then they sent me back out to the waiting room. An hour later they called me in for my blood shot. I was nauseous, dizzy, hungry, and tired all at the same time. The nurse said, “Go ahead and have a seat in the chair where you got your blood drawn.” I sat down eager to get this over with, I hate shots. Then she came up to me and said, “Oh, wait, lets go to that chair over there (across the room) they need this chair for another patient.”

So I say in the second chair for another ten minutes. At this point I am looking at my poor arm, and thinking, “I’ll get the shot in my opposite arm to even out the bruises and pain.”

The nurse then came back again and said, “Okay, let’s go to room 6 just down the hall.” I was dumbfounded….but I went with it. Keep in mind, I am groggy and nauseous. So we get to the room and the nurse proceeds to gather all the necessities for the shot.

Meanwhile I am surveying my arms to where I think I want the next poke of a needle. “I have had enough in the left arm for one day, so let’s go with the right arm” and I keep going on and on about how I want to be able to use my left arm for lifting some things and such. The nurse just stood there with the shot in one hand, an alcohol swabs in the other, and a pleasant smile on her face.

“Now, you can stand, bend over, or lay on your side dear” she said to me….I didn’t get it.

“Oh, no I’ll just take it in my right arm. My left arm is too tired from the blood draw and-“

“No dear, you can stand, lie down, or bend over”.

“But, my right arm is right here……wait…..You have to put it in my butt!?!?!!”

“Yes dear.”

"Man! This stinks!" and then the pouting ensued, but only on the inside.

So I left with a sore arm, sick tummy, and really sore butt. Sad sad day. I was all geared up for a shot in the arm, only to feel very silly and quite childlike with a shot in my rear end and not even a lollipop to show for my good attitude…

At least I get a cute baby out of the deal.

Friday, September 7, 2007

Here I am!

I have been having a lot of requests for pictures of me and my belly. So here you go!

I have another Doctor appointment this coming Thursday and I have to get a shot! Bummer, I hate shots, but it to ensure that I don’t have a reaction to the baby. He could be lucky and have Jordan’s type O Positive blood type, which is bad for a type A Negative other. So off we go for a shot, and for a glucose test. Yeah!

But the highlight is that at the end we get to make the 32 week appointment. We get to do the 3-d ultrasound then!!! I can’t wait to see Noah’s little face. I am so lucky.

Also, I read my facebook file and DP wrote on my wall. He said he’d be back in town over winter break and really wants to meet Noah. I ABOUT DIED!!!! Noah will be here then!!!! He really will meet Noah. I’ll meet Noah! Only one more visit from Aunty Talitha before Noah is here! That’s how I’ve been counting my weeks, by Talitha visits.

Anyway, that’s what’s up. Nothing much else. I still have the best hubby ever (he rubs my feet at night, so sweet, and reads us books).

I truly believe Noah will like Jordan more than me. He only really gets excited when Jordan is in the room….Maybe midnight feedings won’t be so bad after all! Tehe!