Tuesday, October 21, 2008


Mom Ferrell bought Noah a puppy toy that allows toddlers to learn to walk, and I did not realize that he had started to actually use it! I yelled across the room, "Jordan LOOK!" And Jordan looked over, nonchalantly said, "Oh, yeah, he does that for me all the time."

RRRGGGGG! I never get to see the new things first! But at least we caught it on tape. It's only a matter of a few more weeks before he is doing this all on his own!

So big. I prayed to God that the next child won't come until Noah is potty trained, and after walking that's the next step........Am I ready for all this yet? YOU BET I AM! Maybe even twins! Man I'm crazy, but what can I say? Noah is so fun and such a blessing to me that I can't wait until we are ready for number two. This is how God's shows his grace in my life, through my family.


Blessed Mommy said...

he is so cute -- cannot believe he's ready to walk! what a big boy!!

thensch said... know, Paul and I have been guessing that you might be the next pregnant friend... :)

We like to play the "pregnant prediction" game. It's mucho fun-o, but we have yet to really hit the nail on the maybe you could help us out (particularly help me out, cuz I'm the one who said you'd be next...) We can always use another cutey Ferrell in this world!

thensch said...

Lol...k, I just watched the video, and my fave part is when he comes to you instead of the toy at the end. "I've had enough, Mommy, pick me up!"

E and K said...

Halloween pictures, come on!!!