Wednesday, October 8, 2008


So, Jordan and I haven't yet decided if it is good (good in the biblical term) to take our children trick or treating. Since this "holiday" is a satanic/paganistic ritual we aren't sure if this is a good thing to do, but on the other hand, for us it's a day to dress up for candy, nothing more.

We went ahead and purchased a costume for Noah in the case we can figure things out and wish him to go. Either way, on the 31st he will be donning this costume and looking every bit as cute as the day he was born! Any advice on this matter will be helpful as we are on the fence. We don't want to rob our children of simple pleasures in life, but we also don't want to compromise our integrity of faith.

On a lighter note, here or some cute videos and pics of Noah in his costume!


Moriah said...

So cute!

BTW, we are going. We can discuss more later if you would like.

Anonymous said...

I'm glad of the stance that you took, Crystal! Noah looks great!

E and K said...

Go for it. As long as you don't dress him in satanic stuff, I see absolutely no problem!!!

Anonymous said...

We have never supported it. We would participate in FVBC's Fall Festival. But since that hasn't happened, we invited some friends over and had the kids knock on bedroom doors for candy. We found our kids to be too frightened by some of the costumes worn by other people. That stuff sticks in the mind! But, that is what we decided for our family. He looks soooo CUTE! Jessica

Anonymous said...

I soooooo struggle with this too Crystal!! Ack. My heart/deep gut feeling and conviction says no. Last year I bought the boys animal costumes that they dress up in now :) and went to our neighbors on each side (first time b/c we used to live in the country and there was no one to trick or treat to so that took care of that) and living on 31 was really sparce in the same way. I felt guilty the whole time. Why? I don't know. Just did...feel like I shouldn't support it at all. Now, Ryan on the other hand thinks it's no big deal. After all they went trick or treating and dressed up harmlessly while growing up and his parents were believers at the time.

This year? Contemplating going to trunk or treat at church. Not sure if the "safe alternative" is really just the copout to still do it...

Again, did I mention I struggle with this???

Sheesh. :p

And let me mention also, that this is just me and my thoughts. :)

I'll be curious to know what you do decide.

ROsie.... :)))

thensch said...

Hey Stale! I just wanna say, Noah is adorable as a dalmation. :) Personally, I LOVED trick or treating as a kid ("Free candy? Their just giving it away?? Those fools!") and also enjoyed dressing up. I don't think I even knew the secular background of the holiday until I was in upper elementary. Paul and I plan to do trick or treating with our kids (if/when we have any)...but I definitely think it's a matter of conscience for many people...if it is something you're convicted against, I'd say no...if you're comfortable with it, go for it! :)

Anonymous said...

Just my personal feeling, but I have nothing to do with Halloween. When you research the origins of Halloween you find it all very satanic, even the carving of pumpkins. My extended family has a Halloween party every year, but i refuse to participate. If you want to let your kids decide for themselves, let them do that when they can, but right now with Noah as young as he is, he won't remember if he went trick or treating or not. If you decide to take him, it will be strickley for your benefit and your memories. Believe me, he wont feel jipt if you guys decide not to take him.