Sunday, November 9, 2008

Halloween...and a BIG surprise!

We had a great Halloween this year with our little man! He was so cute in his little puppy costume, and Jordan looked amazing as my wife, Mage. I was her husband Wilbur. We made an amazing couple, except that I had a roaming eye and wanted to hit on anything that moved, sorry kids! I might have played that part a little too well.....

Anyway, we went to the Gallagher's party and had a lot of fun. We really enjoy seeing all the kids and we love how much the kids like Noah, he thinks they are all his older siblings and tags along after cute.

But, something else has happened. Noah began walking!!!!!!!!!! My BABY! SO BIG! We cannot be any prouder than we are of him. Below are some pics of our fn times and a clip of our little man doing his thang!


Anonymous said...

My name is spelled "madge", not mage! Dont make me get the hose.

Talitha said...

OH MY WORD! My baby boy is getting so big! I can't believe he is walking! I can't wait to see it in person! Love you guys!

E and K said...

Kay, first off, Noah and your mom, so cute. You and Jordan, quite scary. You and Noah carving, you're beautiful, and Noah walking, AAAAHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!! Oh my goodness!!! Eeeekkkkk!!! So exciting!

Anonymous said...

Very funny! I wish that I was there. By the way - how did you get the music on your blog? I would love to have some on my blog, too, but I can't figure out how to do it. If you could post instructions on my blog (the one, I would really appreciate it!


JK x2 said...

You guys are the cutest little family! Ok, I must clarify that I am not referring to the Halloween costumes! Rather, to the few posts that I just caught up on because Jen has been a terrible friend and not checked many of her blogs for a long time. :-(