Thursday, November 1, 2007

Uh Oh...Again


Pronunciation: pre-i-klamp-see-uh

Function: noun

: a toxic condition developing in late pregnancy that is characterized by a sudden rise in blood pressure, excessive gain in weight, generalized edema, albuminuria, severe headache, and visual disturbances


: me.

Or so the doctor says. So I have to rest a lot. She might be taking me off of work next week depending on my progress when she sees me next week Wednesday for a check up. “We’re going to have to keep a close eye on you” is how she said.
My blood pressure was 140/84, which is high. It’s normally in the 120’s, which is still high, but I have always been higher than most. And I have edema in my hands, legs, and feet now, not just my feet.
Bottom line, this is not good, because I feel “fine” and a lot of pregnant women tend to fell “fine” and go about their usual activities. This is the trouble starter. They do their regular activities and strain their bodies even more. I fall into that category. So if/when she makes me stay home I’ll have to have a check in person to check on me to make sure I am not doing too much. Jordan is that person right now. So tomorrow and Monday I took off, and I am supposed to rest. Hopefully resting for a four day weekend will prove to be best and help my body out.
I am on the border of preeclampsia. I can either stay this way for the rest of the pregnancy or get worse, and right now we are in a holding pattern. They are going to monitor me closely and if anything changes then “we’ll have to talk”. What ever that means. She tends to say that a lot when she doesn’t want to divulge any information that could frighten me. So for now, I am just praying to God that he delivers Noah safe and sound and keeps us healthy.


E and K said...

Oh no, now you have me worried! Is my Crystal okay? Is my Noah okay? (okay, fine, he's your Noah, but still...)
I love you, Eric and I will be praying for you in these few couple weeks!

Unknown said...

Yikes a Bee stal, that's no good. Sorry I missed you two tonight. I'm praying for you constantly. And I always knew you were "higher" than anyone I knew. stoner.

HER said...

So....Are you resting? I got the movies for you! Oh and I had a dream last night that you were in labor and had Noah - He was SO CUTE! I am so excited for you and Jordon! Rest up

thensch said...

:( I'm sorry to hear all that. I'm praying for you guys! And when I say "you guys" I mean your whole for health and comfort, Noah for health and safety, and Jordan for strength and perseverance to help you out in all the ways needed. Love you guys! :)

elj377 said...

REST!!! FOLLOW YOUR DOCTOR's ORDERS!!!! As a Mom who had the same symptoms be on guard, keep yourself calm and don't do too much!

Eryka said...

I'm just so excited for you! I pray for you and your family daily!