Friday, November 9, 2007

I don’t mean to bore you all with my silly doctor updates, but this is what has been setting the tone for our lives recently so bear with us.

My doctor’s appointment this Wednesday turned up a few things. I still have high blood pressure. It was 140/84. For my nurse girls out there, you’ll know what that means. Basically my doctor isn’t concerned yet because although it’s high, it’s still on the “normal” end of high for third trimester women. Some women’s bodies just cope with pregnancy this way.

If it rises again, then they’ll be more concerned. But for now, I am to go home after work each day and take it easy. No running around and going out to places (Which, I’ll admit, hasn’t happened and I need to get better at resting). My edema is still here and not going away. It’s spread to my hands, but not as bad as it could be. The moment it spreads to my face or I get headaches, I have to call.

All this to say, I am fine. The doctors are keeping a close eye on my progression and know that I can turn the corner from fine to not so fine very quickly.

As far as Noah is concerned….he’s good. He dropped last weekend which is nice and bad at the same time. Nice that I can breathe a little easier and that I have a section of my torso not covered with baby. I call it my “skinny spot”. Bad because I am waddling when I walk because his head is fully engaged and really adding a lot of pressure to my day.

When they checked me last I was effaced 50% and dilated to 1. Or almost one. The nurse that checked me out was rather surprised at how far down his head was and how effaced I am. I told her I was having false labor a lot and she, for some reason, thought I was fibbing…….joke is on her! I love seeing the face of the doctors when my assumptions are correct and theirs were wrong. They sometimes think I am a worry wart or what have you, until they see me. Then they realize I don’t call for the heck of it, I call when I KNOW something is up. Like pitting edema and high blood pressure. Or lots of false labor.

Jordan has been great. Coming back from the doctor’s Wednesday I was so sore and had really bad pain from the exam. He bought us dinner and stayed with me all night, skipping Oasis. We felt bad, but the pain I was in required someone to stay with me. He rubbed my back and listened to me when I was in pain. I love him. He’s my night in shining armor! I can’t wait to see who Noah looks like. I hope he has a lot of Jordan in him, because he had the best funny faces ever!

And I think he’s cute. I wouldn’t mind having two handsome faces to look at every day.


E and K said...

Don't apologize for doctor updates, it's what we want!!! That's where your life is right now and that's what I want to know about and am concerned about!
Did you get my voicemail? I'm praying for you!!! Love you!

Eryka said...

Yes! Dr. Updates are great! They help us know what to pray for! Your pictures are super adorable.

thensch said...

Aww, what a good husband...and it's true he's got great faces. Although, I wasn't sure for a moment if he was still with us, since you said he "had" great faces....oh my.
I think the other thing that stuck out to me is that now you're waddling....Stale, I just can't picture it!! I wish I could see....
But we're praying for you all and that Noah decides to come soon.