Thursday, November 29, 2007
Posted by All Because a Boy Met a Girl at 7:24 AM 8 comments
Friday, November 23, 2007
Doctor Update and Answers:
I had another doctor appointment today with the last doctor in our practice. I have met the rest before. She examined us and found that I was effaced to 75% and dilated to a little over one. I know for those guys out there that means nothing or "eew" but oh well, this is news!
She also said that next week Friday if we haven't delivered by then we can talk about being induced! NEXT WEEKEND! WOOT!
So we won't have to wait until December 6th, poo gas on that date, how does December 1st or 2nd sound? =D
Now now....those of you who are anxiously awaiting this little one, we'll let you know what's happening soon enough, but just know that we are close and we are hopful for this week to go into labor.
Oh, also, for all the friends out there wanting to know, here is our requests as far as the labor, delivery, and recovery:
1. When we go into labor we are asking that only immediate family come to the hospital. Moms, Dads, Sisters and brothers. We can't have the staff all mad at us for clogging up the waiting area, and besides that only two people are allowed to see me when I am laboring. That's Jordan and one other person at a time. We'll call you all accordinly though so you know what's happening.
2. Once Noah is here and we are in our recovery suite we'll determine then how many people we can see. It's nothing personal, it's just that we'll have been through a lot at that point and seeing a bunch of faces all at once might wipe us out further. Plus we'll need time to bond with our new little man. He'll only be a few hours old at taht point and probably really scared and tired.
3. We'll have someone call all of you so that you know what's happening, we just request that you all aren't there in the waiting room while we are in labor and delivering.
Like I said, it's nothing personal, we just know how tired we'll be and how much security and tightness Delnor has about visitors and we don't want anyone disappointed. We love you all and are really excited to have to all see Noah, but for now, we have to be patient and see how we feel and how Noah is doing. Just know we want you all to meet our new munchkin soon and we love you all!
Posted by All Because a Boy Met a Girl at 8:24 AM 1 comments
Friday, November 16, 2007
I'm Home
I cleared out my desk today. It was one of the hardest things I have had to do in a while. I kept my cool and just focused on getting my goal accomplished. It wasn't until Hannah gave me a hug outside to say goodbye that I started the water works. I have realized that I have not fully embraced becoming a mother. It's still a very new dream to me. I have been home the past few days feeling quite ill, but the fact of removing my things from my desk was a hard hit. I am so excited to become a mother, but the fact that I have to quite my job is still really hard to grasp. It's not that I am sad to be a mother, but I am sad to say goodbye to the "non mother" Crystal. I wasn't prepared for that good bye. Nor to say good bye to my Hannah Banana. She's been a big sister to me that I can't ever really say goodbye to in a good way. I know I'll still see her a lot, but it's not the same. = (
Once I got around the bend of route 31 I really started to cry. I had a trying day all in all. I also got the news recently of a family friend with cancer. I saw him today fro lunch and I wasn't prepared for the "kemo" look. Although the doctors are very optimistic, it's still very hard to see him without hair and not healthy looking. He means a lot to me and is like a father to me.
I am glad that Noah is shortly around the corner to brighten my life up. I had a dream of him today and it made me totally excited all over again to have him come soon. Pain isn't even a factor anymore, I am ready for it and willing, as long as it produces our baby.
So, for everyone out there, I am home now, and probably in need of a few friends to play with to keep my mind off being uncomfortable...
Needless to say, my emotions are exausted, as well am I.
Posted by All Because a Boy Met a Girl at 4:43 PM 6 comments
Friday, November 9, 2007
My doctor’s appointment this Wednesday turned up a few things. I still have high blood pressure. It was 140/84. For my nurse girls out there, you’ll know what that means. Basically my doctor isn’t concerned yet because although it’s high, it’s still on the “normal” end of high for third trimester women. Some women’s bodies just cope with pregnancy this way.
If it rises again, then they’ll be more concerned. But for now, I am to go home after work each day and take it easy. No running around and going out to places (Which, I’ll admit, hasn’t happened and I need to get better at resting). My edema is still here and not going away. It’s spread to my hands, but not as bad as it could be. The moment it spreads to my face or I get headaches, I have to call.
All this to say, I am fine. The doctors are keeping a close eye on my progression and know that I can turn the corner from fine to not so fine very quickly.
As far as Noah is concerned….he’s good. He dropped last weekend which is nice and bad at the same time. Nice that I can breathe a little easier and that I have a section of my torso not covered with baby. I call it my “skinny spot”. Bad because I am waddling when I walk because his head is fully engaged and really adding a lot of pressure to my day.
When they checked me last I was effaced 50% and dilated to 1. Or almost one. The nurse that checked me out was rather surprised at how far down his head was and how effaced I am. I told her I was having false labor a lot and she, for some reason, thought I was fibbing…….joke is on her! I love seeing the face of the doctors when my assumptions are correct and theirs were wrong. They sometimes think I am a worry wart or what have you, until they see me. Then they realize I don’t call for the heck of it, I call when I KNOW something is up. Like pitting edema and high blood pressure. Or lots of false labor.
Jordan has been great. Coming back from the doctor’s Wednesday I was so sore and had really bad pain from the exam. He bought us dinner and stayed with me all night, skipping Oasis. We felt bad, but the pain I was in required someone to stay with me. He rubbed my back and listened to me when I was in pain. I love him. He’s my night in shining armor! I can’t wait to see who Noah looks like. I hope he has a lot of Jordan in him, because he had the best funny faces ever!
And I think he’s cute. I wouldn’t mind having two handsome faces to look at every day.
Posted by All Because a Boy Met a Girl at 7:55 AM 3 comments
Sunday, November 4, 2007
Whoa! What was that?!?!
Saturday Jordan and I went downtown to see Dane Cook. I would have stayed home, but $200 of tickets were spent and a birthday wish to be had. So off we went. We had a good time. Around 9:45 he started to finish up his act ans we were leaving. My back was hurting pretty much the whole way there and now again as we were making our way to the car. I decided to let Jordan drive.
On the way home these lovely back aches started to generate contractions....timely contractions....every 9-13 minutes! We made it home, and they subsided. For a while. Then in the middle of the night I started to get them again... then they subsided. Then again Sunday morning....then subsided.
False labor is fun! = )
NOT! It like all the fireworks and no grand finale. Kinda depressing.
So I called the doctor and she said to call again when they get to 5-10 minutes apart. Especially since I am "risky" and far enough along, they are not going to stop me. In fact, Wednesday they might determine more progress is good. But that's wishful thinking now.
So thus far, no baby. I'll keep you posted. Needless to say, these extra days of vacation are turning out to be more than necessary. My next doctor's appointment is Wednesday and then they'll be able to tell me how "far along" dilated I am, if I don't go into labor before then. Noah also dropped, suddenly. Last night i was feeling my stomach and below my ribs is a big space of nothing now. Noah is ready and engaged.....any minute. 36 weeks and counting.....and praying that he comes soon.
Posted by All Because a Boy Met a Girl at 3:28 PM 5 comments
Thursday, November 1, 2007
Uh Oh...Again
Or so the doctor says. So I have to rest a lot. She might be taking me off of work next week depending on my progress when she sees me next week Wednesday for a check up. “We’re going to have to keep a close eye on you” is how she said.
My blood pressure was 140/84, which is high. It’s normally in the 120’s, which is still high, but I have always been higher than most. And I have edema in my hands, legs, and feet now, not just my feet.
Bottom line, this is not good, because I feel “fine” and a lot of pregnant women tend to fell “fine” and go about their usual activities. This is the trouble starter. They do their regular activities and strain their bodies even more. I fall into that category. So if/when she makes me stay home I’ll have to have a check in person to check on me to make sure I am not doing too much. Jordan is that person right now. So tomorrow and Monday I took off, and I am supposed to rest. Hopefully resting for a four day weekend will prove to be best and help my body out.
I am on the border of preeclampsia. I can either stay this way for the rest of the pregnancy or get worse, and right now we are in a holding pattern. They are going to monitor me closely and if anything changes then “we’ll have to talk”. What ever that means. She tends to say that a lot when she doesn’t want to divulge any information that could frighten me. So for now, I am just praying to God that he delivers Noah safe and sound and keeps us healthy.
Posted by All Because a Boy Met a Girl at 9:33 AM 6 comments