Friday, April 27, 2007

Much Ado About Nothing....

Hello All!

I have officially taken over this blog, and made it my own. Sorry Honey...

Updates on our family:

1. Jordan is sick, again. He's really cute though, cause he's kinda helpless and vulnerable...and I like it!

2. His job is going good. So far we are still testing the waters....

3. Our baby is deciding this week to stay a girl, or turn into a boy. That's always an exciting day!

4. I am still discovering this new phenomenon called pregnancy. This is where the title of today's blog comes in.....those faint of the stomach....leave now.

I am....for lack of a better term...backed up, lately. And in doing so I get sicker each day that things don't happen. So, everyday I have a "Much Ado About Nothing" hour wherein I go to the bathroom, book under one arm, toilet paper in the other, and one determined look on my face.

Only to emerge an hour later sadly disappointed, and still sick. I feel the erg, but nothing. Not even a few toots here or there. It's just sad.

So I bought Metamucil, and more "invoking" things to eat, and hopefully I'll feel better soon.

That's all.

Hey look, Moriah puts the actual poop on her blog, I can at least talk about it!


graceling said...

You know what I used to do for Abigail? Apple and prune juice, mix in some benefiber, and drink a few big glasses of water afterwards... works like a charm.

Your "situation" might be slightly caused by the added iron in your prenatals... that's a common side effect.

Moriah said...

You are so hilarious! I too remember those sad days of the lack of poop. (And then when it comes, well, make sure you have a plunger and dish soap nearby - ask me later.) Mine was because of my stupid prenatals and that is why I only took them every other day. No yelling at me Grace!

Anonymous said...

Crystal, I should be shocked and comment about how much better I know you after reading that, but the sad truth is that I know way more than that about you, I've heard all that sort of stuff before. I think that means we are too good of friends. Or, we're both extremely blunt and open. Either way, thanks for the poop.

Moriah said...

You are the slowest ever. Update or I will give you much grief.

Talitha said...

AMEN!!! You take a million years to update! GRR ARG!!