Friday, February 27, 2009

I think it's a girl

We went to the doctor's yesterday for our first ultrasound of the newest edition to our family. We were able to talk to the doctor afterward and I got a picture of our little plum sized miracle!

I have to admit, the nausea and tiredness haven't been enough to really convince me about this new creature in our lives, it wasn't until I heard her heartbeat! I had my own reservations about what today could have held for us, but God is true to us and we got to see our little angel is safe and snug as a bug in a rug. The heartbeat was about 167 per minute which is in the girl range. i know, I know, that's a wives tale, but think about this. Noah's heart rate was never above 156. His was in the 130 range most of the pregnancy. Charis and Selah's were also high....

So I think we're having a girl. Which is fine by me cause I want to finally be able to put pigtails and barrettes in SOMEONES hair! And Noah doesn't appreciate being dressed as a girl (ask Moriah).

Well, here it (she) is!


Talitha said...

ITS MY BABY!!! Awwww! I love my little plum! I can't wait to be an Auntie for the fourth time! I'll be happy whether it is a boy or a girl... but you know what I'm hoping for! I love all four of you!

Anonymous said...

Yea!!! I'm so happy for you and your family!

I'm not going to be this baby's aunt :) but I agree with Talitha. I can't wait to meet the baby no matter what it is!

E and K said...

Yea possibly little girl!!! So excited for you all!!!!