Wednesday, March 12, 2008

New Toys!

Nothing new much around here. We are still going through parenting class and lovin it. T and Isaac came home from school for break and it is so nice to have the whole family together again for a bit. We had a blast at Dad's birthday Star Trek Murder Mystery. Though I couldn't leave Noah anywhere because of "mommy-baby" reasons, so I put tin foil on his bib and called him shrapnel from a recently blown up ship. Or Sputnik. Whatever is easier to imagine. So he got to "float" around! And Jordan was Worf, and I got to do his make up. It was amazing. I am trying to get a good picture for you all to see. And...Jordan was the murderer!

We are still looking to replace my Honda two door with a four door or Moriah and Josh's SUV. It all depends on cost and more junk. But...wink Emily Knudsen might be selling her car, maybe we can get the info? We might just be interested.......seriously. I don't have your number and we'd like more info to make our decision.=D

On to Noah News, I thought about it for a while and though he is still young, I decided to bust out his Jumperoo. It's a jumpy seat that stay stationary. He loves it! I haven't seen him this animated in a while...he just needed a little more stimulation is all. And yes, his feet don't touch the ground yet. Check it out. I apologize for the length of the video, it's a long one, but worth it.
My little faces. He just warms my heart with these cute grins.


E and K said...

He does like his little jumperoo, huh? So smiley, he's havin' so much fun!

Blessed Mommy said...

sending you an email...

graceling said...

He is cute! I do love me some baby noises!

Moriah said...

I know you said the video was long, but I must be an adoring aunt who can't get enough of her nephew because I didn't even notice! Love you all!

thensch said...

...So why can't I see any of these videos?!?? I wanna watch baby Noah!!

Oh, and seriously, we're trying to find a second car........if you're still trying to find someone for your honda, can you send me the info??