Tuesday, August 14, 2007

Dad's Progress

As you all have probably heard, my father in law has had a heart attack this week thursday. He had an emergency operation to put a stent in his heart to reopen his artery Thursday. All went well and today he went in for the rest of the operation.

This operation included adding two more stents. His operation was at 11:00 today and all went well again. Dad is really a trooper. He is giving the nurses on the cardiac ward a run for their money and got them second guessing their career choices. I have to praise God for a moment here. He truly saw this whole event through to the end and saw that we as a family stuck together and got through this together.

But all in all, through your faithfulness and continued prayers our father is still here with us and in great spirits. I couldn't have asked for a better outcome. He will be coming home hopefully tomorrow and needs to take it easy for a few weeks. So, look forward to Rich's great return shortly!


Eryka said...

I'm so glad to hear it! Continued prayers come from the Pacific Northwest! Love you and miss you all!