Friday, May 18, 2007

Mommy Musings

I had another doctor's appointment yesterday. Just a check up to see how well baby and mommy are doing. Three things happened that I was so happy about.

First, I found that I have not gained any weight. I know that that's not something to cheer over when your expecting, but I am afraid that I'll gain too much from indulging too much in foods that satisfy me and not my nutritional needs. I try to eat reasonable and healthy and just what I need to keep us happy and healthy, and so far so good.

Second, I had to tell the nurse where the baby was. She asked, "WOW, how do you know where it is?" I told her that I was "Just that amazing of a mom already." And....I was right! (And thanks to Aunty T and her stethoscope for that bit of knowledge).

Third, I got to hear my beautiful child's heartbeat on a doplar! It was fun for us the first time hearing the baby's heart beat at 5 weeks, looking at Jordan's face, but that was just when it started to beat and it was very faint. Only 119/minute. This time it was strong! My Word Child! It was a strong 157/minute. Jordan had to work, so it was just me, and I tell you...being able to focus on that for myself was amazing!

I have had Talitha's stethoscope for a few days hoping to catch a sound or something everyday, but to no avail. The baby keeps moving and hiding behind junk. But this time it was clear as day. I kept it together until the nurse left, but as soon as she did, I had tears of joy streaming down my cheeks! I was so overjoyed to hear that the baby was there, and not just a little blip blip blip...but a THUNK THUNK THUNK!!! It was such an amazing feeling. It hit me. The "Mommy-Baby" connection has begun.

I have been feeling very detached from this little miracle until yesterday. I am now starting to feel that awesome connection. That need to protect my child, that amazing love.

It is truly the best feeling I have had so far throughout this pregnancy (all three months of it). I just called Jordan afterwards and gushed about how strong our munchkin is. Please note though, he couldn't wait to hear from me, he called in the middle of my doctor's visit! He is a proud Papa already, but this kinda puffed up his chest a little more. And I thanked him for giving me this great gift (And I thanked God for it too).

But that's all to my story. Just a strong heartbeat, but enough for me to start envisioning what it will be like to look into the eyes of my child for the first time, and see my beautiful husband hold it ever so tenderly. God loves us and we are thankful, he is truly good to us. He has given me a great loving Husband, and a miracle


Moriah said...

I am glad you are connecting with Noli. I really struggled with that my first trimester.
And by the way, you wrote, "the baby keeps moving and hiding behind junk", but I thought you wrote, "the baby keeps moving and hiding behind MY junk." That changes everything and it had me laughing for a while until I figured out I was wrong.
Yeah, I am a dork.

Anonymous said...

Yay updates! And I'm so happy for you! You are a beautiful mommy! But, you need to eat more, Noli is being deprived (in other words, get big really soon, you're running out of time!). Yay for hearing the heartbeat. I think I got goosebumps reading about your connection to your little one, so sweet! Love you!