Tuesday, May 29, 2007

New Papa and Mama News......

Jordan and I talked today about our insurance. We have group health insurance but we are covering it ourselves each month. And because we enrolled pregnant we are paying $600 a month! Well, God has taken that into consideration and has granted us a blessing.

Jordan’s employers took notice of how hard Jordan has been working and how fast he is learning. They are now talking of helping us out a bit each month on the premiums, giving Jordan a raise, and allowing home to work more hours to get more money to help.

They have been so generous already, and now this! This is truly God in our lives and working for his glory. Praise God for all his blessings. I know that I don’t need to worry when my Savior has our backs.

And we had another ultrasound. This one was so amazing! I was blown away by how big the baby got! It looks like a baby! Then the best thing of all happened….It moved! Not only did I have a large baby, but it moved and kicked and rolled over! I didn’t feel it though, but watching it was the single most best moment in my life aside from my wedding day. It rolled over like it was annoyed with my coughing. Then it kicked me rapidly as if to say, “Hey, I’m trying to sleep here Mommy, now stop coughing!”

At a moment it held its hands up to its face looking like it was sucking its thumb. Then is held both arms up like it was on a roller coaster. It break danced and stood on its head. It was so amazing to watch. I was glad the technician took a while to do the ultrasound, it really meant a lot to me. I, of course, was crying at everything. Such an amazing notion, having a child.

Anyway, it got me to thinking. Before we got pregnant, I thought we’d have a girl first. Then I thought God in all his Glory and humor would bless me with a boy and really through me for a loop. So this whole time I’ve been thinking boy things. But now I am starting to think, what if it’s a girl!?! I have been referring to it as a boy, or calling it in my head Noah. How will I feel if it’s a girl? Delighted, Happy, Bummed…..

So I have resigned to just think of it as a baby. I’ll learn to not expect anything until I know further I guess. We’ll see. I think my mind has played enough “what if”s for a while, so I’ll just leave it to the master to decide for me.

Anyhoo, here’s our baby….

Friday, May 18, 2007

Mommy Musings

I had another doctor's appointment yesterday. Just a check up to see how well baby and mommy are doing. Three things happened that I was so happy about.

First, I found that I have not gained any weight. I know that that's not something to cheer over when your expecting, but I am afraid that I'll gain too much from indulging too much in foods that satisfy me and not my nutritional needs. I try to eat reasonable and healthy and just what I need to keep us happy and healthy, and so far so good.

Second, I had to tell the nurse where the baby was. She asked, "WOW, how do you know where it is?" I told her that I was "Just that amazing of a mom already." And....I was right! (And thanks to Aunty T and her stethoscope for that bit of knowledge).

Third, I got to hear my beautiful child's heartbeat on a doplar! It was fun for us the first time hearing the baby's heart beat at 5 weeks, looking at Jordan's face, but that was just when it started to beat and it was very faint. Only 119/minute. This time it was strong! My Word Child! It was a strong 157/minute. Jordan had to work, so it was just me, and I tell you...being able to focus on that for myself was amazing!

I have had Talitha's stethoscope for a few days hoping to catch a sound or something everyday, but to no avail. The baby keeps moving and hiding behind junk. But this time it was clear as day. I kept it together until the nurse left, but as soon as she did, I had tears of joy streaming down my cheeks! I was so overjoyed to hear that the baby was there, and not just a little blip blip blip...but a THUNK THUNK THUNK!!! It was such an amazing feeling. It hit me. The "Mommy-Baby" connection has begun.

I have been feeling very detached from this little miracle until yesterday. I am now starting to feel that awesome connection. That need to protect my child, that amazing love.

It is truly the best feeling I have had so far throughout this pregnancy (all three months of it). I just called Jordan afterwards and gushed about how strong our munchkin is. Please note though, he couldn't wait to hear from me, he called in the middle of my doctor's visit! He is a proud Papa already, but this kinda puffed up his chest a little more. And I thanked him for giving me this great gift (And I thanked God for it too).

But that's all to my story. Just a strong heartbeat, but enough for me to start envisioning what it will be like to look into the eyes of my child for the first time, and see my beautiful husband hold it ever so tenderly. God loves us and we are thankful, he is truly good to us. He has given me a great loving Husband, and a miracle

Wednesday, May 16, 2007

Mother's Day

Week 11 and counting, and new and exciting things transpiring in our lives thus far.

We have decided to talk with a Mortgage Lender to find out how much Jordan and I can afford as far as a home (town home-condo) is concerned. I thought living together in an apartment was big stuff! I am really excited to see where God will have us. We are still trying to see if the apartment will work, but in all honesty, I don’t know how with the furniture we have. Jordan definitely needs his own office/gamer retreat. And the baby already ahs enough stuff to make us question where it’s all gonna go!

Any way, Mother’s day was great! Noli (our baby’s nickname) surprised mommy with a crystal etched with a thank you note. It reads something like, “Thank you Mommy for loving me, keeping me warm and well fed. Love Noli”

On the reverse side is etched with little warm sayings about being a mommy. I loved it! Although, Noli must have done this all while I was sleeping. I didn’t know the baby could even use a phone. Strange…..maybe Papa helped a little.

We are just excited to see what new things are going to happen with our lives. We are excited more so about the baby. Every week we get an update, and this week we find that the baby is the size of an APRICOT! That’s huge to me! It definitely solidified in our minds that this is a full blown baby growing here. Not just a ball of junk anymore. That and my belly is getting bigger. Jordan likes to rub it. I like when he rubs my belly, it makes me feel pretty and loved for my sad body shape.

Anyway, I am leaving you with a picture of what our child’s little feet and toes look like. It’s so amazing how God is knitting this miracle inside me. Jordan and I are loving it. Each update gets more exciting! Last week it was hands and feet, this week it’s size and cute toes. Soon it’ll be that our child weighs 8 pounds!

Love you all; thanks for being patient with the slow updates….we have a lot of commitments that keep us very busy.

Tuesday, May 8, 2007


This week marks a mile stone in our young child’s life. It is no longer an embryo, it’s now a fetus! Yea!

To give you all an idea of what’s going on here are the stats:

I am 10 weeks pregnant

The baby is roughly the size of a large strawberry (1.5-2 inches long)

I have a pooch belly now. I feel like I have reached the “fat” stage. Wherein, no one can tell that I am pregnant, I just look like I gained weight. But thankfully I told the world, so they know what’s up.

I felt it kick once, and Aunty Talitha was there with her stethoscope to hear it! I can feel the baby move only if I am lying very still, and it has to basically do three flips to get my attention, and run across my stomach (it’s primarily on the high left side). Or when I bend over, I feel the baby move over. It’s such a weird feeling! Like I dislodged something in there and it moves around when I squish it.

I attached a pic of what a baby at 10 weeks looks like. They say that the baby will triple its size from here till the 2nd trimester. That would be in the real world a baby being born a normal size, then in four weeks growing to be as tall as a professional height basketball hoop!

But that’s all. Jordan is starting to really delve into his job. He is no longer watching training videos, but now is actually using AutoCAD and “scrubbing”. I am so proud of him. This line of work was so different than what he knew, and he is picking it up well.

Keep praying for us that God will give us wisdom in our possible need to move out of our small apartment into a home or a larger apartment. God is so good to us.

We love you all!