Thursday, August 27, 2009

Piper's New Arrival

We went to our doctor yesterday and spoke about the problem that Piper is so big. And that last time we met the doctor mentioned doing a c-section, which we do NOT want. So I asked about being induced. She was more than willing to do that instead to try to avoid a c-section.

We are scheduled to be induced September 29th at 7am!!!

We are so excited and hopeful that she is small enough still for me to deliver her normally. Please pray to that effect! But since we are being induced we will need to keep the revolving door of visitors closed for a bit until we get things under control and get a handle on how the doctor views a lot of visitors.

So as of right now, unless we go into labor sooner, we are asking that immediate family only visit us in the hospital while we are in labor. However feel free to call Jordan's cell to check in and see if we can have more visitors as we progress. We need to get a feel for how well (or poorly) the medication works for us to see what we can handle as far as visitors goes.

We, as always, will keep you posted!