Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Pipers arrival

So it has been a rough road from having Piper:

We went into Delnor at 6am to be induced. We started pitocin at about 7:30 and they double the dose every 15 to 30 minutes. Needless to say I was getting really uncomfortable FAST.

I was at 3cm coming into the hospital and by 8am I was four. The doctor broke my water (which was surprisingly relieving...go figure). Then I had to stay in bed for one hour to avoid cord prolaps. The contractions went from a five to a ten within an hour. The nurse kept pushing me to get an epidural, but I put it off because I was handling it well and getting that epidural thing hurts a lot, so until the pain matched the pain of the contractions I was going to hold out. BIG FRIGGIN MISTAKE. (FYI to other potential mothers, get the epidural BEFORE you enter transition, it'll work WAY better!)

So my contractions started getting to be every 60 seconds and I was not able to relax at all so i asked for the epidural. I was still four, by the time the finished giving me the epidural I was a 6-7. That was within 20 minutes people! After the epidural I started getting sweaty and wanted to throw up, which means I kept feeling the pain thogh and was hitting the stupid button for the epidural sauce like every two works much better when you get it earlier! So I was really dissappointed in THAT aspect.

Within twenty minutes I was at 8-9 and had to call my sisters back from their jog to Meijer to tell them that I would be pushing within ten minutes. Ask them about that later, funny.

I went from 4 to ten within an hour people, it isn't so much fun, and she was a big girl! I started pushing at 12:45 and Piper was born at exactly 1:00.

She did get stuck with shoulder distocia wherein they had two other nurses come in and one was pounding on my stomach while they held my legs back as far as they could go, the doctor pulled and I pushed. All GREAT fun, NOT. She finally came out and they rushed her away to the other side of the room to check her shoulder to make sure it wasn't dislocated. She was fine.

Then I heard her cry. A strong beautiful cry! They wrapped her up and finally gave her to me after over 15 minutes of stiching me up, it was a rough ride...but we made it.

Piper was born at 1pm sharp weighing 9lbs 10oz, and at 20inches long. She was a biggin, and I felt every extra ounce! Major differnce from a seven pound son to a nine pound girl. BIG DIFFERENCE. Plus match that with an epidural that sucked, it was a rough time.

But she is here and beautiful. We came home on the first and have been recovering since. Here are some pictures of Piper:

Sorry if the story was bland but I am sleep deprived and not nearly as elloquent as my better half!