Thursday, July 23, 2009


What's been happening lately:

Hhhmmmm.... Well my awesome husband has taken to running every day to train for the Chicago Marathon (26 miles!). He and dad every Friday take a "cross training" day and bike. They had gotten so addicted to it that they decided to do the L.A.T.E. night bike hike through downtown Chicago and along the lake front. They had a blast, I'm only sad that I am all preggers and couldn't go with :( they looked like they had tons of fun. But they could still use encouragement because Jordan doesn't think he can do the marathon, psyching himself out prematurely I think. But anyone care to chime in and encourage, I am sure he'll appreciate your thoughts!

We had our 3 year anniversary and went to the Science and Industry Museum. He had fun, I had fun watching him be a little kid! Sadly we didn't get to see the Harry Potter exhibit, but we did get to race milking a cow! I won. Obviously. And we had a yummy lunch at Bennihana's, which I am so sad to say was way more authentic than JuRin is and I am TOTALLY going back! I used to go to Japanese restaurants with my parents way back in the day and since then they have "Americanized" the flavors. Three years, it's still hard to believe!

Piper is doing great, we have our last ultrasound scheduled for August 10th (I think). So hopefully here soon you guys can glimpse at her cuteness again before she is born. I think we have something like 70ish or so days left until she is due! When did I pass up the 100 day mark?! Well nesting has kicked in and I have pretty much turned our apartment inside out rearranging and cleaning in preparation for her arrival.

Speaking of rearranging...we also found Noah a......(drum roll please).............BIG BOY BED!!!!!!!!

We were so appreciative to get one from our friends the Thompsons and lucky for us it is just perfect! Noah was so excited he took all his covers off his crib and murmured to himself, "nonononono, on the big boy bed now..." as he proceeded to place all sleeping paraphernalia on the new BIG BOY BED. I guess he was more ready than we gave him credit for. We laid him down last night for the first time in his big boy bed and didn't hear one peep until early this morning (6:30!) when he woke up freaking out...but once he was in mommy's arms and I reassured him how "cool" the big boy bed was, he got happy fast and excited all over again. We'll see how naptime goes...

So there's our life in a nutshell for the last few weeks. Lots of fun and OH YAH, Congrats to Jordan and Jana Huff on the arrival of their new little daughter!!!!! Lydia Shalom Huff was born July 22 at 1:03 weighing a whopping 6 pounds! She is so cute! They are recouping and I hear the Jana was a rock star! You go guys! Many blessings on the new parents!